.. _robotframework: robotframework ============== install ------- install from pypi:: $ pip install robotframework usage ----- import:: import robot run:: # 调用该接口在程序里实现robot命令 run(*tests, **options) # *tests是robot文件 # **options包括所有robot命令的选项,另外还可以有stdout, stderr run_cli(arguments, exit=True) rebot:: rebot(*outputs, **options) rebot_cli(arguments, exit=True) errors:: from robot.errors import ExecutionFailed # raise this exception in keyword and set continue_on_failure to True # can keep going in the same case. raise ExecutionFailed(message=message, continue_on_failure=True) api.logger:: from robot.api import logger # robot的内置日志系统, 除了info可以同时选择输出到console,其它都是输出到logfile. logger.console(msg, newline=True, stream='stdout') logger.write(msg, level='INFO', html=False) logger.error(message, html=False) # 40 logger.warn(message, html=False) # 30 logger.info(message, html=False, also_console=False) # 一般用来打印case的执行情况. 20 logger.debug(message, html=False) # 默认不打印 10 logger.trace(message, html=False) # 默认不打印 0 api.deco:: from robot.api.deco import keyword # 通过装饰器指定关键字名字和标签 keyword(name=None, tags=()) @keyword(name="the keyword name", tags=(tag1, tag2)) def shortname(): ... api.TestData:: from robot.api import TestData from robot.parsing.modle import TestData TestData(parent=None, source=None, include_suites=None,warn_on_skipped=False, extensions=None) # return model.TestCaseFile or model.TestDataDirectory testsuite = TestData(source="your.robot") api.TestSuite:: from robot.api import TestSuite api.SuiteVisitor:: from robot.api import SuiteVisitor api.ExecutionResult:: from robot.api import ExecutionResult api.ResultWriter:: from robot.api import ResultWriter